Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

About Last Night

so my friday worked out pretty good...this collage barely does it justice because it doesn't include the skee-ball and dancing at my new favorite bar Hugs...more on that to come.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Efil 4 Zaggin

busy night guys, and it's have a lot of choices...choose well, i'm sure i'll run into all you dudes no matter what...just feels like one of those nights...don't let this photo of the posse fool you, we will still play songs girls like...promise.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Shit Piles Up

the bloods ruled last night, i'm sure they will continue ruling friday night as well when they play the music hall of billyburg...
don't miss it, gonna be crucial...heres the info for this art show i'm in friday night, come out if you can, there are some major dudes in this ya.


opening reception
friday February 22 6-8pm

LeRoy Neiman Gallery
Columbia University
310 Dodge Hall, MC 1806
2960 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
Telephone: (212)854-7641
mon-fri 10-5pm

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Emotionally Spectacular

TONIGHT!!!!.....Other Music, Blood On The Wall, Free, 8pm...this aint no pancake breakfast with vampire weekend, no free hair wraps from coco rosie....this is the purebreds kids...nuff said.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Juliet's Distress

Tonight!!!...the village explodes with fey Rozz impressions and Siouxsie eyepaint...well, ok not really, but a guy can dream can't he?...heres max's 2 cents.
LIL POTTY MOUTH Cara Flaherty is celebrating her birthday on Friday.
she's ageless. you'd have to cut off her ankle and count the rings to
figure how young she is.
Her one wish was to make her gothic dream birthday come true.done deal.

Max and Penry will be playing gothy tunes all night at HEATHERS BAR in
honor of the dark angel Carebear. (think OUTLAND circa 99----sorry for
the ohio reference)

friday Feb 8th
10pm til close.
Heathers bar (13th st between A & B)

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Get Behind Me

still beaming from the bowl...if you didn't see synchronized jock jam dancing then you clearly were not at daddy's...too bad...i wanted to make the parade but work wouldn't permit me to enter the canyon of champions...don't worry im contesting it...this is a commissioned "Zorro Doughnuts" for more info.

Friday, February 01, 2008


looks like we have some competition over on the island...looks like we will have turn up the heat a little fear dudes!