Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Circle of Shit

These dicks are playing TONIGHT! Get in on the ground floor as a 6 year old band finally puts out a record that is coincidentally partially designed by me! Hard Times! Shameless plugging!See you at the snack bar!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

Vicious Horseshit

I've been working on the debut Violent Bullshit record for last 2 weeks and I'd thought I'd share some rejected artwork cuz I'm such a nice guy. Don't worry, the final is way more hardcore that this. Apparently the image of Jim Morrison isn't as edgy as it once was. Go figure...

I'm Not Moving

Elton John once sang "The blog is back". Those words still ring true today, so I'm officially gonna blog cool things that I've made or am currently working on in an attempt to not totally slip into obscurity. Feel free to follow this blog or repost or leave a comment if it isn't nasty, or get nasty, whatever, I'll live. I thought I'd kick things off with this flyer I made for an upcoming night of record playing in my neighborhood this Thursday 3/1 @enids bar, if you live in NYC and wanna come by, please do so. Fair warning, I've been listening to a lot of Joe Walsh. Just thought I'd put that out there. Love you all....
