whew lord a mercy...i almost had a breakdown yesterday im sorry to say...had to get off the train at 3rd ave. and spend the day buying myself stuff so i wouldnt go nutz...the list included, ac adapter fpr ipods, simpsons season 9, and some more records for up coming friday night at enid's and new years eve as well, for which i made this super gay flyer...toko and dustin will be working that night, can't tell you how stoked i am on that...i tried to draw a portrait of toko once, i remember it not looking anything like her...but as she is japanese, she was very polite about it...iHeart is giving me a mini show in january, i'll be sure to keep all you kids updated...oh, want to give a special shout to brad and elizabeth on their 1 year anniversary, i can't imagine a radder pair of bros being together than you guys...peace and shit.
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